2024 – Geneva End of Year Apéro
Thursday, December 12th 2024, we had the great joy of participating to our end of year apéro in Geneva with almost 40 participants representing 21
Thursday, December 12th 2024, we had the great joy of participating to our end of year apéro in Geneva with almost 40 participants representing 21
Thursday, December 5th 2024, we had the great joy of participating to our end of year apéro in Zurich with over 30 participants representing 20
On June 19th, over 40 participants representing 17 member companies joined our great Summer apéro in Geneva. Weather was fantastic, in a perfect location, and
On June 13th, 22 participants representing 13 member companies joined our great Summer apéro in Zurich. Weather was gorgeous, location perfect, and the food amazing
Have you ever wondered how to effectively compare moving quotation, understanding differences in weights or volumes, air and overseas shipments, potential additional charges, etc? What
Following a rather negative article on “relocation” published in the Tribune de Genève early november, Guillaume Bédat, president of the association and Sabine Baerlocher, executive
Le Département de l’économie et de l’emploi propose une formation certifiante autour de la RNE, en partenariat avec la HEG Genève. Cette formation s’adresse aux
On June 29, 2023 at Jardin de Penthes in Geneva we have celebrated our 20th anniversary with great success and over 80 participants thanks to
Six leading employee mobility associations from around the world today launched a global effort to ensure the industry is playing its part on environmental sustainability.